Alright, go easy on these ones. These were the first sketches I cleaned up on a tablet. They're a little messy, but yeah. I really wanted to get around to coloring the line art, but I guess I got preoccupied. Originally I wanted to make these a set of four, but I can't think of the fourth character yet. Any Ideas? I don't know why, but I love drawing Tribal related stuff. I have been referencing the Masai Tribe in Africa for the last week and a half, so I will definitely doing some Characters. If you don't know much about them...I strongly suggest you peep it. BOOM!
Also, I am really busy at work right forgive me for posting older stuff. I really have to check with my superiors on putting this next stuff up, as it is for a pitch idea. I will keep you posted. I have A LOT to show you guys. Hopefully I can put it up. Bang-a-Rang...
Alright...this last week has been pretty crazy. I am finally getting back into the swing of things. For those who didn't hear, I was privileged to attend the Third Annual Elan Award Show in Vancouver last week. I flew out there to represent myself and Algonquin College because my film was under the 'Best Student Film' category along with 2 other nominees...and what do you know...I WON!!? The whole situation was baffling. I'm still convinced I was drunk off red wine , stole the award and ran. But as it turns out, seeing as my name engraved on this thing...apparently it did happen. ANYWAYS, here it is!
Also, the award and I. Forgive me, I look like a cocky moron. This was the red wine, I swear...Plus it was like, 3 in the morning and I was still jet lagged. Last one, I swear. Tom Kenny and I. This is the man who is responsible for the voice of Sponge Bob Squarepants! Also a little drunk off of Red Wine at this point. You didn't think I wasn't going to post any drawings, did you? Well only a couple. Here are some warm-ups. Also, a sketch I did waiting for my LIMO at the hotel in Vancouver...ahahah